SES Home Services Brings Hospitalised Man Home To Wife

After a long hospital stay, Eddie was told he couldn't go home due to having no heating or hot water. South Park Football Club, where Eddie has been a long-standing member, calling in the help of SES Home Services to install a boiler and bring Eddie home.

After being hospitalised for nearly six months, Eddie was told by carers that he couldn’t go home to his wife, Julia, as their home didn’t have access to heating or hot water.

Eddie in hospital.

Spencer Ogilvie, Youth Chairman at South Park Football Club, where Eddie has been a long-term member, has spent over 45 years working with the organisation and has seen the work of people volunteering. Spencer has witnessed selfless acts of kindness from putting food in people’s cupboards, to supplying electricity to heat people’s homes. With Eddie’s news, Spencer knew he had to reach out to get help in place.

Spencer swiftly got in touch with SES Home Services’ area manager, Steve Cox, who is closely associated with South Park Football Club. When Steve heard Eddie’s news, he knew he needed to jump into action. Steve said,

“Helping members of the community is something I am passionate about, so when South Park FC reached out due to our affiliation with the club, this gave me the opportunity to dust off my tools and help bring someone from hospital back to a warm home.”

Steve Cox, Area Manager, from SES Home Services.

Spencer reflected on the support from Steve and the team at SES Home Services.

“A huge thanks to SES Home Services for literally changing the lives of Redhill residents Eddie and Julia. After a long stay in hospital Eddie was due to be placed back home but the care services wouldn’t allow without the property being made suitable. SES Home Services stepped in and have fitted anew boiler making the home capable of heating and hot water.” Said Spencer.

As Steve stepped in to help Eddie and Julia, he recognised how much this act would change the couple’s life.

“I am grateful that as a company we were able to rise to the occasion. Fitting a new central heating system with the help of two Engineers Branden and Louis, we have made a real difference to a member of our community’s quality of life. They can now rest assured that their brand-new system will give them warmth and hot water with a ten-year warranty as standard.” Steve shared.

As of the end of May, Eddie is home with his wife, Julia. There is still some remedial work that needs to be done that requires funding. South Park Football Club has a Go Fund Me page to help support Eddie here.  

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